We greatly appreciate the support of our families. You are the key to the success of many of our programs and enrichment activities. Our parental involvement and contributions help build our Soldier Hollow community. Our parents enjoy participating in the education of their children and being able to spend time in the classroom and on field experiences. Our teachers love the extra helping hands for class projects and creative ideas for parties! Thank you to all of our volunteers for being an important part of our Soldier Hollow family.
Keeping track of volunteer hours assists us in obtaining grants and funding for our school. It also helps us recognize the hard work and time donated by our dedicated families. Whether you are working with us on campus or helping out on a project from home, be sure to log your volunteer hours in ParentSquare under the Participate menu on the left side of the page.
Raise money for our school is through the simple Shop to Earn programs and our annual Boosterthon Fun Run!
Learn more by visiting our Fundraising page.
Log Volunteer Hours
Log your volunteer hours in ParentSquare under the Participate menu on the left side of the page.
Join Our PTO
There is no fee to be a part of our PTO… only the desire to help!
Your involvement can be all year or at certain times, depending on the event. Find out what works best for you!

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”