Thank you for your interest in Soldier Hollow Charter School! We are an award-winning, free public charter school enrolling students in K through 8th Grade. We are thrilled to have you here!
Our purpose is to provide an innovative educational model that nurtures inquiry, creativity and inspires the desire to learn. The natural world will be used as a classroom for place-based learning across the curriculum.
We are currently accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year. Visit the link below to apply today!
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Intent to Enroll
Currently enrolled students will receive an Intent to Return form in January. Students currently attending SHCS will receive first priority for the 2025-2026 school year through the Intent to Return process.
New students will be accepted through a lottery process after the enrollment period has closed.
If spots become available for the remainder of the school year, openings will be awarded using the waiting list. Please note: state law does not allow a charter school to carry over a waiting list from one year to the next. If your child is not accepted and you are interested in applying again for the next year, you must complete a new application for the upcoming school year.
We offer half-day and full-day kindergarten options. Our full-day kindergarten program offers extended learning to explore in greater depth the concepts taught in the kindergarten program.
We enroll students through 8th grade.
Soldier Hollow Charter School will maintain a maximum student/teacher ratio of 20-1 with two teachers per grade level.
Please understand that completing and submitting a "New Student Intent to Enroll Application" does not guarantee that your child will be enrolled at Soldier Hollow Charter School. It merely indicates your intention to enroll if your child is accepted.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at soldierhollowmail@myshcs.org or by phone at (435) 654-1347.
Enrollment Preference
In compliance with Utah Code 53A-1a506, SHCS first enrolls its existing students for the following school year and secondarily gives enrollment preference to the following groups:
Children currently attending SHCS
Siblings of students currently enrolled at SHCS
Children of employees of SHCS (not grandchildren or other relatives)
Siblings of students accepted through the current lottery
Admissions Lottery Process
If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity of the classes, grade levels, or school, then those to be admitted are chosen at random through a lottery process as outlined by the State of Utah. Admission policies will be administered in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
The lottery process begins with 8th grade applicants. It will then proceed down through kindergarten, giving preference to the first drawn names and then to the siblings of the first drawn. The lottery will also determine the priority list position for all other applicants at specified grade levels.
Anyone not accepted through the lottery will be placed on a wait list and seats will be filled if they come available. Names of individuals whose enrollment applications are received after the lottery, will be placed on a wait list.
If your child is selected through the lottery, you will be notified by email. Upon receipt of an email invitation, you will need to respond to SHCS within a specified period of time. The email will indicate a deadline for when your response is due. If you do not respond by the deadline given, you will forfeit the invitation and the invitation will be extended to another lottery applicant.
Transfers and Withdrawals
State Code 53A Subsection (2)(a) prevents a parent of a student who is enrolled in a charter school or who has accepted an offer of admission to a charter school from duplicating enrollment for the student in another charter school or a school district without following the withdrawal procedures described in Subsection (3) as listed below:
The parent of a student enrolled in a charter school may withdraw the student from the charter school for enrollment in another charter school or a school district by submitting to the charter school:
(a) On or before June 30, a notice of intent to enroll the student in the student’s school of residence for the following school year;
(b) After June 30, a letter of acceptance for enrollment in the student’s school district of residence for the following school year;
(c) A letter of acceptance for enrollment in the student’s school district of residence in the current school year;
(d) A letter of acceptance for enrollment in a nonresident school district; or
(e) A letter of acceptance for enrollment in a charter school.
Unless provisions have previously been made for a student’s enrollment in another school, SHCS is required to notify the school district of residence immediately upon releasing a student from enrollment at SHCS during a school year.
Non Discrimination Assurance
Soldier Hollow Charter School ("SHCS") is a public charter school open to all Utah students without discrimination and on the same basis as other public schools. SHCS will consider the application of any student who submits a timely application. SHCS's admission, enrollment, and transfer procedures comply with Utah Code 53A-1a506.5 which governs such processes in the state of Utah. No person shall, on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal assistance.