Fees & Waivers


  • Fees can be in the form of money or goods and are considered to be any charge, deposit, rental or other mandatory payment. Payments to third parties such as admission fees or transportation expenses may also be fees.

  • Inability to pay is presumed for those who are in state custody or foster care, or receiving public assistance in the form of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), or Supplemental Security Income (applies only to the child receiving SSI), or are eligible for free school lunch.

  • To ensure that no student is denied the opportunity to participate in programs, courses or activities because of an inability to pay the required fee, deposit, or charge.

  • Yes, students will be responsible to pay for or replace items they have lost or damaged.

  • Yes. Textbook fees or other board-approved fees can be charged to students in grade 6, if they are a part of a middle school program with higher grades. Fees will be charged to students in grades 7 and 8.

  • Fees may be charged in connection with school-sponsored activities that do not take place during the regular school day, regardless of the age or grade level of the student. Fee waivers always apply, even for these “optional” activities.

  • Yes, those limits will be defined in our board-approved fees policy, and posted every year.

Adapted from School Fees: Frequently Asked Questions
Carol B. Lear
Law and Legislation
Utah State Office of Education