Some of the advantages in a K through 8 model include:
The sense of family and community that exists among the students,
parents, and staff
A close relationship that is fostered between teacher and student
A smaller student body leads to teachers knowing every student -
their strengths, learning style and family dynamicsStronger parental involvement than found in other school settings
Teachers have the opportunity to know the student from their years as a child through their transition into a young adult and can be there for extra support and guidance
Students in our middle school have the opportunity to be leaders in the school
The opportunity for older students to take on the role of protector, tutor, and role model
Students demonstrate greater leadership skills, higher self-esteem, and less victimization by other students
Students in younger grades watch as older students participate in Student Council, Yearbook Club, and Community projects with anticipation that they can do the same as they move forward
Students demonstrate fewer behavioral problems and higher academic achievement
A secure environment for young adolescents as they undergo social, physical, and psychological changes
Students show greater levels of participation in extracurricular activities
Students that consistently outperform traditional middle school assessments
The intimacy of the K-8 environment and the delay of the transition to a new school until students are more mature can help children succeed
There is so much about our school that is special and unique and allows us to meet all scholars' needs. With excellent teachers and a great support network, students are challenged at their ability level.
Benefits of a K8 Model
Sorting through the benefits and drawbacks in choosing the right school for your student can be challenging; however, research has proven that selecting a K through Grade 8 school provides many advantages to students.
Fun Facts About SHCS
Our Curriculum
As a Utah public school, we follow the Utah State curriculum framework to choose our curricular materials. Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to maximize lifelong learning in our students.
The purpose of Soldier Hollow Charter School is to create an innovative educational model that nurtures inquiry and creativity. Our students are led through lessons, experiments, and hands-on workshops to bring new discoveries and a passion for learning.
The natural world will be used as a classroom for place-based learning across the curriculum.
Place-based environmental education strives to build a foundation for the young as future citizens who will actively participate in the democratic process, first within the school and ultimately the community and beyond. We believe that children are more engaged in learning when their studies make a connection with their lives.
Administrative Structure & Staff
Our School Board is comprised of seven members governs the school. The principal manages day-to-day operations of the school under the direction of the board. Teachers report to and work under the guidance of the principal. The board meets the second Tuesday of every month at the school at 6:30 p.m. It is open to the public; parents are welcome to attend.
Our Director and Assistant Director head up our Administrative Team, working together with our office staff and facilities manager to make sure every school day is successful.
Our Staff are qualified for the positions in which they are hired. A number of them have multiple degrees, including master's degrees in education. Their dedication and passion in teaching inspire a true love of learning. Our educators hold LEA-specific educator licenses or endorsements
School Tours
We offer tours of our campus and opportunities to meet our directors, teachers, and instructors during our open house events.